Risk Management North America
Vibration Signature Technology

Looking at the harmonics and its features, one can easily predict or determine issues in a bearing, in a blower, or a broken tooth in gearboxes.
These are very well known and well-proven techniques and there is a robust library of such “defects vs harmonics signature”.
How it works
MachineSense monitoring solution includes Machinesense’s extensive Crystalball™ software, which enables the user to set up alarms and alarm recipients and provides complete historic data with trend lines about equipment performance.
At-a-glance dashboards show the current status of monitored assets by department or plant. Actionable maintenance advice is sent via text or email to alert users when a machine needs their attention

Get Expert Advice on Power Quality Testing of Your
Electrical Systems
MachineSense™ is a disruptive technology company with strong roots in the machinery and manufacturing sector.
Our affordable technology features our Patent Pending SignaGuardTM vibration, power quality monitoring and analytics to help with predictive maintenance for industrial machinery
MachineSense uses flexible models, proven diagnostic instruments, sophisticated software and unmatched analytic expertise to deliver sustainable, scalable and cost effective based maintenance and monitoring programs that ensure industrial asset availability, helping to maximize runtime productivity and reduce total maintenance expense.

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Your moments away from receiving emails and text alerts directly from you industrial machinery, when abnormalities are detected. Before you lose valuable production time, because of motor failures. Contact our NewYork Office at (914) 582-1848 for details.
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